Elmbrook Schools Logo

Elementary Report Card

Report cards for our Elementary Schools will be posted to the Infinite Campus Parent Portal and can be accessed using the instructions below.

Our Board policy (Reporting to Parents: Policy 5124) defines two purposes for our grading and reporting procedures:

  • To communicate student progress and achievement to parents/guardians and others as related to curriculum standards.
  • To provide purposeful, accurate, and meaningful feedback students can use for self-evaluation and growth

Report Card Updates (2023)

In response to feedback from families and teachers that our elementary report card had opportunities for improvement, revisions have been made to provide more clarity on what is being reported.  Revisions have been made so that our elementary school report cards can be reviewed without the need for a companion document to aid interpretation.

A summary of the changes follows:

  • Descriptors have been adjusted to align to the standards in our Board approved curricular documents and to provide clarity for what is being reported in all core content areas: ELA, Math, Science, and Social Studies.  
  • Learner Behaviors have been added to replace what we previously reported as Life Skills.  

THIS DOCUMENT provides the updated descriptors that will be included on our report cards.  Links to our previous report  cards are included on the document for your reference so that comparisons can be made from prior to revised reporting tools.

To review the Report Card Update process as presented to the Board’s Teaching and Learning Committee, please see the agenda items linked below.

May 3rd, 2023 - Forecast Elementary Report Card Updates

August 9th, 2023 - Elementary Report Card Update