On Monday January 27, the East side schools hosted Elmbrook's East Side Bandorama, an event that included just under 400 students and families from Burleigh, Dixon, and Tonawanda Elementary Schools, Pilgrim Park Middle School and Brookfield East High School. The event featured BEHS students as Master of Ceremonies, and performances from band students grades 5th -12th grade. The evening culminated in a grand performance of all 400 students playing "On Wisconsin".
It’s time to recognize outstanding staff members, volunteers, and community partners in Elmbrook! As we celebrate 10 years of the Engaged in Excellence Awards - your one nomination has three times the value! In partnership with the Elmbrook Education Foundation (EEF), we’ve streamlined the recognition process for the great people across our District. Nominate someone today at elmbrookschools.org/nominate.
The FACEBrook (Family and Community Education in Elmbrook) Book Club in partnership with Elmbrook Parent Network and Forever Friends, hosted an intergenerational book club at the Brookfield Public Library on Thursday, January 30. The event was a great success with 100 participants discussing the Jonathan Haidt bestselling book The Anxious Generation, which explores the impact of the ever-expanding virtual world on children’s mental health.
On Thursday, January 16th, 21 students from the five elementary schools, Pilgrim Park, and Wisconsin Hills participated in the District Spelling Bee.
We are pleased to share that the Board of Education voted unanimously to sell the former Hillside Elementary School and property at their monthly board meeting on Tuesday, January 14.
become what’s next
The mission of the School District of Elmbrook is to educate and inspire every student to think, to learn, and to succeed.
The district’s Vision and Core Values inspire the work of our students, staff, and community as we prepare all students for success.
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