Registration for Current Students & Families
2024-25 Online Registration and Fee Payment Opens July 23
The online registration window for the 2024-25 school year will take place July 23 through August 9. The annual registration process is used to verify household information, confirm emergency contacts, collect fees, and acknowledge key notices. Registration and fee payment is completed online beginning in the Infinite Campus Parent Portal. For detailed step-by-step instructions for online registration click here and for fee payment click here.
Please Note: Only households listed as primary households in our student information system are eligible to complete the online registration process. However, fees may be paid by both primary and secondary households.
If you have questions, please click here for our Online Registration FAQs. You may also contact your school secretary or call the District Office at 262-781-3030 x11117 with questions.
If at any point you have questions or experience difficulty, please call the following:
Online Annual Registration (Infinite Campus Parent Portal)
Elmbrook District Office at 262-781-3030, x11117.
Student Fees (Infinite Campus Parent Portal)
PPMS, WHMS, Fairview, Brook El, Burleigh, Dixon, Swanson, Tonawanda - Stacy Damuth 262-781-3030, ext 14306 -
BCHS & BEHS - Judy Roznik 262-781-3030, ext 22072 -
Lunch Account and Free/Reduced Lunch (Infinite Campus Parent Portal)
Adira DAy 262-781-3030, ext 11148 -