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2023 Recount

This webpage will be updated throughout the election cycle. 

Recount Minutes for Elmbrook School Board Area III Seat at the April 4, 2023 Spring Election

 Update: 5/2/23

After the Area III Spring Election, the aggrieved candidate Gregg Eberhardt requested a recount by filing a sworn petition with the filing officer, Board Clerk Linda Boucher, on April 12, 2023, citing potential irregularities or illegalities. In response to the petition, the Board of Canvassers called for an emergency meeting on April 13, 2023 to prepare for the recount, and determined they would conduct a manual recount. The Board of Canvassers (BOC) includes and is formed by the Board Clerk, Linda Boucher, who appointed two qualified electors Kathy Lim and Christine VanderBloemen. The BOC recruited tabulators to count the ballots and the recount began at 9:00 a.m. on Friday, April 14, 2023, continued on Saturday, April 15th, and Monday, April 17th, before finishing on Tuesday, April 18th. A recording of the recount is available on the District YouTube channel. Per State Statute 9.01(10) the Wisconsin Elections Commission (WEC) shall perscribe standard forms and procedures for the making of recounts which are outlined in the Wisconsin Elections Commission Recount Manual.

State of Wisconsin Election law has no provision for automatic recounts. Per WEC guidance, no fee was required from the aggrieved candidate, Gregg Eberhardt, because more than 4,000 votes were cast and the margin of vote difference was less than 0.25%. The School District of Elmbrook bears the costs of this recount

Item Costs
Security Officers $4,900
Installation of security camera $612
Re-keying the boardroom doors $242
Waukesha County Clerk $0
Legal Counsel $11,715
District Staff Payroll Overtime (153 hours of overtime) $1,692
4/14 Lunch $364
4/15 Lunch $348
4/17 Lunch $364
Board of Canvassers Payroll (Linda & Christine) $2,582
Municipal Clerk $0
Pollworker Payroll $5,477
Recount Invoice Costs $28,296

In addition to the above recount invoice costs,185 hours of 22 District Staff members' time was dedicated to the recount effort for registration, check-in/out, payroll processing, ballot transport, logistics, administration, recording the minutes as required, and technical services instead of their regular School District work at an estimated cost of: $6,750.

Statement of Appreciation Message (4/20/23)

I would like to thank the community for their assistance with the election recount.

Thank you to the candidates, their volunteers and to everyone who came forward to assist at such a short notice including persons not needed to work but volunteered.

The board of canvassers are grateful for the time and effort the municipal and county clerks expended on the Elmbrook School recount. Also, the assistance and cooperation of the employees at the district office and maintenance crew and security who assisted efficiently in the recount efforts.

Everyone's patience while I counted and confirmed results was most appreciated. This was truely an example of community working together collectively regardless of our beliefs; WE CONVENED to validate the integrity of our most sacred right as an American citizen. The right to Vote and have it count.

Linda Boucher
School Board Clerk
School District of Elmbrook
Chair of Board of Canvassers

4/19/2023 Update
The School District of Elmbrook’s Board of Canvassers met on Wednesday, April 19, and confirmed the election results for the Area III Seat following a manual vote recount, declaring Preetha Kurudiyara as the election winner for the Board Member Seat. Newly elected board members Kurudiyara, Sam Hughes, and Scott Wheeler will take their Oath of Office on Monday, April 24, 2023, thus beginning their 3-year terms. Read more for additional details here: School District’s Board of Canvassers Confirm Election Results Following Recount

4/18/2023 Update

The following meeting notices were posted on the School District of Elmbrook’s website on April 18, 2023 and sent to the Board of Education and media. This notice was also posted on the door of the District Office located at 3555 North Calhoun Road in Brookfield and distributed to the City of Brookfield and the Village of Elm Grove for posting. Board Meeting and Board Committee Meeting agenda packets can be viewed here:

Board of Canvassers Meeting - Recount Results
The Board of Canvassers of the School District of Elmbrook will convene a meeting at 4:00 p.m. on Wednesday, April 19, 2023 in the Lancer/Spartan Board Room of the District Office located at 3555 North Calhoun Road in Brookfield. At this meeting the School District Board of Canvassers will finalize the statement of revised election results for the April 4, 2023, Spring Election for the Elmbrook School Board Area III Seat pursuant to Wis. Stat. § 9.01(1)(b)9. This meeting will also livestream on the District website and a recording will be made available on the District YouTube channel the following day. The Board of Canvassers consists of Board Clerk Linda Boucher who appointed two qualified electors Kathy Lim and Christine VanderBloemen. A quorum of the Board of Education and/or Board Committees (Community and Legislative Engagement, Finance and Operations, Personnel, Teaching and Learning) may attend this meeting. While a quorum of members may be in attendance at this meeting at no time will Board members convene into official session, engage in business discussion, conduct any official business or take any action of the Elmbrook School Board at this meeting.

All recount questions should be directed to Board Clerk Linda Boucher 262.789.7477 or

Additional information is here:

4/13/2023 Update

The following meeting notices were posted on the School District of Elmbrook’s website on April 13, 2023 and sent to the Board of Education and media. This notice was also posted on the door of the District Office located at 3555 North Calhoun Road in Brookfield and distributed to the City of Brookfield and the Village of Elm Grove for posting. Board Meeting and Board Committee Meeting agenda packets can be viewed here:

Board of Canvassers Meeting - Emergency Meeting
The Board of Canvassers of the School District of Elmbrook will convene an emergency meeting at 4:30 p.m. on Thursday, April 13, 2023 in the Lancer/Spartan Board Room of the District Office located at 3555 North Calhoun Road in Brookfield. The provision in Wis. Stat. § 19.84(3) requires that every public notice of a meeting be given at least 24 hours in  advance  of  the  meeting,  unless  “for  good  cause”  such  notice  is  “impossible  or  impractical.”  If  “good cause” exists, the notice should be given as soon as possible and must be given at least two hours in advance of the meeting. This meeting will also livestream on the District website and a recording will be made available on the District YouTube channel the following day. The Board of Canvassers consists of Board Clerk Linda Boucher who appointed two qualified electors Kathy Lim and Christine VanderBloemen. A quorum of the Board of Education and/or Board Committees (Community and Legislative Engagement, Finance and Operations, Personnel, Teaching and Learning) may attend this meeting. While a quorum of members may be in attendance at this meeting at no time will Board members convene into official session, engage in business discussion, conduct any official business or take any action of the Elmbrook School Board at this meeting.

All questions should be directed to Board Clerk Linda Boucher 262.789.7477 or

Additional information is here:

Board of Canvassers Conduct Recount Meeting
The aggrieved candidate has requested a recount by filing a sworn petition with the filing officer on April 12, 2023 for the April 4, 2023 Spring Election for the Elmbrook School Board Area III Seat. The Board of Canvassers of the School District of Elmbrook will conduct a recount of the votes cast at the April 4, 2023 Spring Election for the office of School Board Member Area III Seat for the School District of Elmbrook to begin at 9:00 a.m.  on Friday, April 14, 2023 in the Lancer/Spartan Board Room of the District Office located at 3555 North Calhoun Road in Brookfield. Click here to view the Recount Petition. This notice is given pursuant to Wis. Stat. § 9.01(2) and Wis. Stat. § 19.84. You have the right to be present and to be represented by counsel to observe and challenge the votes cast and the board of canvassers' decisions at the election. This meeting will also livestream on the District website and a recording will be made available on the District YouTube channel the following day. The Board of Canvassers consists of Board Clerk Linda Boucher who appointed two qualified electors Kathy Lim and Christine VanderBloemen. The board of canvassers that determined the original election result conducts the recount. The Wisconsin Elections Commission recommends that the board of canvassers be composed of the same people who initially canvassed the election results. However, in the event one of the original members is unavailable when the recount is scheduled to begin, other qualified individuals may be appointed to fill the temporary vacancy. Wis. Stat. §§ 7.53(1)(b), (2)(a), 7.60(2). If a member of the board of canvassers is unavailable for the recount, the clerk should be notified immediately and a list of qualified replacements composed before the recount begins. Additional information is here:

4/11/2023 Update
The complete and official election results for three Elmbrook Board of Education seats from the April 4, 2023 election are in BoardDocs as follows:

Area I Seat
Scott Wheeler - 12,404

Area III Seat
Preetha Kurudiyara - 9,847
Gregg Eberhardt - 9,800

At-Large Seat
Sam Hughes - 9,804
David Irwin - 9,682

The unofficial, Spring Election results were reported ​on Waukesha County's Website ​here: The official results of the election are not determined until the official board of canvassers for the school district has met and completed the official canvass of their respective offices.

The Board of Canvassers of the School District of Elmbrook conducted the Canvassing at 4:00 p.m. on Monday, April 10, 2023. A recording is available on the District YouTube channel. At this meeting, the Board of Canvassers conducted the canvass of the spring school board election held on April 4, 2023. The Board of Canvassers consists of Board Clerk Linda Boucher who appointed two qualified electors Kathy Lim and Christine VanderBloemen. 

The Friends of Fairview South hosted a Candidate Forum on Monday, February 13, 2023 and a recording is available on the District YouTube channel.