Burleigh Elementary School “Significantly Exceeds Expectations” with a score of 89.3, according to the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction (DPI) who released district and school report cards this week. Additionally, the District's rating score of 87 is the fourth highest of 4K-12th grade districts in the state, based on 2022-23 school year data. This data shows a growth from the previous year’s 86.6 score. Additionally, all of the District's schools received classifications of "significantly exceeds" or "exceeds" expectations, the two highest ratings.
The district and school report cards are intended to create a more standardized methodology for parents and community members to determine the effectiveness of their local districts and schools.
The report cards include outcomes for each school in four priority areas: Student Achievement, Student Growth,Target Group Outcomes, and On-Track to Graduation. Based on a combined score in each of these four areas, scores and ratings are determined for every publicly funded school and district in Wisconsin.
“These report card results reflect our student growth and high achievement, and serve as a testament to the dedication and commitment of our teaching staff,” reflected Dr. Tanya Fredrich, Assistant Superintendent for Teaching & Learning.
To view report cards for other Districts or to learn more about the accountability system, visit the Department of Public Instruction's site at https://apps2.dpi.wi.gov/reportcards/.