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The highlights of the afternoon were our two challenges: the  Puff Mobile Challenge and the Marshmallow Challenge.  Each student had to make a car using only 3 straws, 4 lifesavers, a piece of paper, two paper clips and tape.  They had to use their creativity and critical thinking skills to design the car. Once the car was designed they had to communicate and collaborate with their classmates to figure out how to get their car to move 3 and 6 feet without using their hands. In the Marshmallow Challenge the kiddos had to work in teams to create a free standing structure using only tape, string, 20 pieces of spaghetti and a marshmallow. Everyone had a great time! The third graders are excited to see their FedEx friends again in February.

fed ex volunteers

fed ex fun

fed ex fun

3rd grade Fed Ex funfed ex fun