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Teacher Name: Peggy Ordinans

Course Strand and Course Taught: Business Analytics Strand and AP Statistics 

Why is LAUNCH adding value in today's education?

LAUNCH involves the community in sharing the responsibility and privilege of educating our students. As the proverb goes, "it takes a village." Business involvement in instruction/training and project experiences with students in LAUNCH offers development of skills that prepare students to be college, career, AND life-ready. 

What is your personal highlight from LAUNCH?

I am consistently recognizing growth in myself as a result of my participation in the training experiences that the students receive in LAUNCH. I have learned alongside the students about teamwork, project management and giving/receiving feedback. Participating in the StrengthFinders assessment and training has allowed me to understand myself and others better. The professional and personal growth I have experienced as a result of my participation in the LAUNCH program has been tremendous. 

LAUNCH IS... pioneering a new direction for the high school experience.