Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Workgroup
Workgroup Overview
The Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Workgroup was created in February, 2020, and tasked to draft recommendations to the Board of Education advancing the District’s strategic objective of “fostering an environment that provides equitable access and inclusion so that all students, regardless of race, disability, socio-economic status, gender, and English proficiency, so they can fully participate in our schools, classrooms, programs, and activities.”
The Workgroup consisted of 52 staff, alumni, parents, board members, and administrators, and met six times over the course of 11 months. The Workgroup produced several Equity Non-Negotiable (ENN) statements which were forwarded to the Board of Education and District Administration for consideration in February, 2021.
2021-22 Strategy Development
As part of the District’s annual strategy development work, a 17-member Strategy Team, including all School Board Members and Senior Leaders, participated in three consecutive Strategy Work Sessions (Feb, Mar, Apr - agendas linked below) to develop and finalize the District’s Strategy Map. In addition to the annual work of goal setting, the Strategy Team considered the proposed Equity Non-Negotiables drafted by the Workgroup.
Strategy Work Sessions
Each work session produced refinements to the Equity Non-Negotiables, including the re-branding of the ENN as Equity Principles. Great attention was given to both understanding the words and meaning of each Equity Principle, as well as desired action steps. The outcome of the Strategy Team’s work will be presented to the Board of Education for discussion and action in May and June, 2021.
Timeline for Strategy Adoption and Deployment
- May 11 - Board Discussion of District Strategy Map
- June 8 - Board Approval of District Strategy Map
- June 16 - Schools and Departments begin work on Improvement Plans (A3s)
- August 13 - School and Department Improvement Plans Finalized
Meeting: Jan 25, 20201 Equity Non-Negotiable Workgroup 6:00 pm District Office
Category: Equity Non-Negotiable Workgroup
Purpose of the Committee
Review and Discuss Feedback on Draft Equity Non-Negotiables
Opening Statement
Review of Aug, Sept, and Oct
Creating Draft Non-Negotiables in a System for Board Of Education Discussion
Meeting: October 19, 2020 Equity Non-Negotiable Workgroup 6:00 pm, District Office
Category: Equity Non-Negotiable Workgroup
Opening Statement
Review of Aug and Sept
Role of Equity Non-Negotiables in a System
Next Equity Non-Negotiable Workgroup: Nov 23, 2020 6:00 pm
Information from the September 21, 2020 Meeting is:
Opening Statement
Introduction of Dr. Elise Frattura, Facilitator
Equity Research
Next Equity Non-Negotiable Workgroup meetings: Oct 19, 2020 and Nov 23, 2020 at 6:00 pm
Location: District Office, 6pm
- Introductions of Workgroup Members
- Introduction of Dr. Elise Frattura, Facilitator
- Purpose of the Committee
- Role of Equity Non-Negotiables in a System
- Agenda Planning for next meeting(s)
- Adjournment
Next Equity Non-Negotiable Workgroup: Sept 21, 2020, Oct 19,2020 and Nov 23, 2020 6:00 pm