How to Volunteer in Elmbrook
The School District of Elmbrook welcomes family and community volunteers to support our students and staff throughout the year. Volunteer opportunities exist in school classrooms and libraries, as well as through participation in school and district committees, focus groups, athletic or performing arts events, and several parent organizations. Volunteers provide supervision on field trips, plan school community events, offer fundraising and donation support, and actively engage in classrooms to support student learning. Each year, Elmbrook families and community members contribute thousands of hours of service and raise hundreds of thousands of dollars in support of our students, programs and schools. Thank you!
To ensure the safety of our students, beginning on September 1, 2015 all volunteers who may have unsupervised contact with students will be required to have an approved criminal background check prior to volunteering. Background checks are required for any volunteer (including parents) who meets any of the following criteria:
• the volunteer will have unsupervised contact with students
• the volunteer has a regular or ongoing assignment at the school;
• the volunteer will be off campus with students in an unsupervised situation, including chaperoning field trips;
• the volunteer is a mentor to a student or students;
• the volunteer is a coach or club advisor; OR
• the volunteer is unknown to the school or department staff.
Please read the full policy for more details.
If you are new to our District or are in need of renewing your Volunteer Application, please follow the steps below:
All 3 steps are required.
Confidentiality and student safety are paramount within Elmbrook School District for staff and volunteers. As a volunteer in Elmbrook Schools, you are requested to be aware of and agree to the required expectations and responsibilities on confidentiality and safety, which are consistent with those for all district employees.
Step 1:
Please click on this form, read the Practice Statement 4530, fill in the fields and submit.
All Volunteer Applications will be kept in a confidential manner in the District Human Resources office. Volunteers that are approved will need to re-submit an Application Form every two years.