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Meeting Date: Thursday, Feb. 9, 2023
Meeting Time: 6:30 p.m.

Attendees: Shana Meidam, Carey Drees, Christina Welch, Kathleen Thomas, Connie Petersen,
Jacqueline Wickersham, Julie Gretzon, Katie Whitecotton, John Fitzgerald, Jessica Anguiano, Rainia
Hamdan, Brian Kawa, Luke Sadowski, Katrina Hergott—in person
Erica Wilkinson, Madeline Laken, Mary Schubert, Jeni Bartowitz, Joanne Michalski, Amber Serath, Jackie

1. Call to Order at 6:33 Shana Meidam
2. Review and Approval of January 2023 Minutes Katrina Hergott
Jacqueline motions to approve, Kathleen Thomas 2nds
3. Principal Report Luke Sadowski
Staff holiday party a success. Baskets and gift cards provided including to assistants, teachers, etc. All
showed up despite huge snowstorm.
Battle of the books and spelling bee great. Carnival and empty bowls coming up.
All testing done.
Feb 16 conference night if teachers or parents feel needed.
4. Treasurer's Report Brian Kawa
No further business than what is stated below
Old Business
5. PTO Grants Shana Meidam & Connie Petersen
Total of $6000 for teacher grants in budget. $3325 left that is not used so far.
- Special Ed Request—Madeline: 2 full time speech/language, 1 part time at Dixon. ASHL
conference in November. They have the most knowledgeable people in the country, broad scope of
information. They would like to do prof development for staff at Dixon with the knowledge they
acquire. Pricing depending on when register: $390/person if you register in August, cannot register till
August which is after fiscal year done. Could earmark money from this year’s budget if needed. Flights:
$180 round trip. They feel comfy sharing lodging and flights. Asking for all 3 if possible. Around $1200
for registration.

- 5th Grade Request—request $15,000 for breakout area. Joanne Michalski: Needs remodeling.
Big goals—can start small, add carpets. Maybe next year add chairs, and build up after that. 5 th grade
currently has budget of a couple hundred dollars that they will also put towards that.
Each teacher and each grade level gets certain amount of money, differs each year.
Discussion about if we don’t spend all teacher grant money, we can spend on other things that may be
needed from the budget. Talk about saving some for a book vending machine which would be about
$3100. Discussed as group if we budgeted $6000 for teacher grants, should we be saving any for other
things in future if teachers requested grants.
Julie motioned to approve $1200 for SLP, Remainder goes to 5 th grade breakout area, Katrina 2 nd motion.
All approved, no abstain or deny.
6. EEF Scholarship Shana Meidam
Sent $1500 Dixon Alum scholarship to EEF
7. Committee Reports:
a. Battle of the Books Christie Welch
Was today, was awesome, 50 kids excited about books. If anyone has feedback pass it along. Kids
wanted teachers to watch, maybe have 4 th and 5 th graders watch final battle on stage next year.
b. Heart Challenge Megan Repsa
Fundraising ends on Feb 20th
c. Gallery Night/Empty Bowls Shana Meidam/Mary Schubert/Erica
Empty bowls: met and planned details. Found new centerpieces that can be used for years. More info
coming out. Not submitting for reimbursement. Gallery night: met for theme, supplies needed, time,
etc. Rainforest theme, butterfly mural. Set up Feb 27 th . Will need many volunteers. 5 th grade and
kindergarten coming together for mural. Each grade has specific art work.
d. Science Fair Amy Digman
Coming up, over 40 Dixon kids, high schoolers helping students on 2 separate work nights. Revamped
requirements for scientific method based released.
e. Spring Book Fair Sara Monty
nothing new
f. Dine Out Carey Drees
Danielle’s Deli probably for March. Pretzel sale will happen again for book fair time.
g. Carnival Jeni Bartowitz

Adding more games, doubling time, switching to set price for wristbands—unlimited games, raffle
tickets and food truck food separate. Was about $40 for average family last year, wristbands $10 each,
max of $50 per family.
h. Raffle Katrina Hergott
Email sent out to staff and families requesting donations, will send to room parents—check with sara
about 1 st pick for high interest day. Had meeting with head of EEF to help sort out tickets.
i. High Interest Day Sara Monty
Craft, food, career workshops needed. Please volunteer if you have one of these skills to offer. Contact
Sara Monty or Katrina Hergott
New Business
8. Membership Toolkit Kathleen Thomas
Going away July 2023—instead will have access to PTO page. Will have access to school messenger,
Luke’s e-mail, district office. Maybe have PTO newsletter. We lose the directory—Burleigh uses room
parent model. Can add spreadsheet each classroom, each year. No opt-out option. Need opt-in school
wide. Will have to figure this out.
9. Fall Fundraiser Extra Funds Shana Meidam
*Discussion and Vote that excess funds from the fall fundraiser in the amount of $7600 be approved for
--Discussed if we exceeded fundraising goals, we would decide what to spend that on. Would like soccer
field goals. Set of goals is $4500 for 2. That includes installation.
Katie motioned to approve, Jacqueline 2nds. All approve, no deny or abstain.
10. Discussion and Vote for Carnival Budget Increase of $2000 (current budget $3000, they are
requesting total of $5000) Shana Meidam
--did same budget as last year. Bigger, longer carnival, need to increase prizes, more unlimited games,
balloon guy and photographer coming for a longer time period. Detailed list of committee expected
expenses shared. Carnival never meant to make money, supposed to be fun. Adding t-shirts, hats,
aprons to help with way-finding, will add decorations since everything was old or non-existent.
Wristbands needed for adults as well—to keep track of how many people come, eliminate tickets.
Investment of $1000 for long term things to make carnival better that we won’t need to budget for in
future years.
Carey motioned for carnival money ($2000) to be approved, Katie 2 nd . All approve, no deny or abstain.
About $45000 surplus in budget with savings and checking for right now. Nothing in bylaws of how
much we need to keep.
Adjourned at: 8:02 by Shana Meidam

PTO Meeting Dates: Upcoming PTO Events:
March 16, 2023 Feb 13-17 Heart Challenge
April 20, 2023 Feb 23 Science Fair
May 18, 2023 Mar 9 Gallery Night/Empty Bowls
Apr 10-17 Spring Book Fair
May 5 High Interest Day
May 25 Spring Sing
June 2 Dragon Days