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Curriculum Resources Review

We are selecting resources to support the delivery of revised curricula that are in process of  approval by the BOE in Spring, 2023.  Family input is also a crucial component in determining which resources are the best fit for our Elmbrook students.   Elmbrook staff has identified several recommended resources for instruction in the following courses/areas:

  • Accounting (Intro to Accounting & College Accounting)
  • Chinese
  • English Language Arts 4K-5, 6, 7, 8
  • French 1, 2, 3, 4 
  • German 3 & 4
  • Spanish 1, 2, 3, & 4

The resources being considered are listed below by each course.  Public digital access to explore the resources will be available from January 27 through February 5, 2023.   We will also host two sessions for any community member to explore the physical resources.  These sessions will be hosted on Thursday, February 2 from 10:30-12 and from 5:30-7:00 p.m..

As is true across all content areas, our classroom instruction is aligned with our Board approved curriculum documents, which are available on our district website.  Primary resources (external curricular materials) are not used in entirety in Elmbrook.  We review the prioritized resource to determine which components align with our approved curriculum, and leverage those components for instruction.


Your feedback and insight are critical to our resource selection process, and we are appreciative of your time.  Please note that the prompts in this feedback collection form are derived from our BOE Policy 6156.2 that governs the selection of primary resources aligned to approved district curriculum. *Disclaimer:  This form and its submissions are a transmission from the School District of Elmbrook and may constitute a public record under Wisconsin Law and be subject to public disclosure.

Digital Access to Potential Recommended Resources Below:

1. ACCOUNTING:  (Intro & College Accounting Courses):  College Accounting by McGraw Hill  

Go to URL: https://connect.mheducation.com/
Enter this as email address: wipublicdemose@mhconnect.com     
Password: McGrawHill1

2. CHINESE: Go Far With Chinese by Cheng & Tsui

3. ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS: Into Literature by HMH

4. ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS: myView Literacy by SAVVAS Learning Company

5. FRENCH 1-4: T’es Branché by Carnegie Learning: https://discover.carnegielearning.com/TEB-review.html

6. GERMAN 3 & 4: Sag Mal and Denk Malby VISTA Learning

1) Access the Supersite by going to http://vhlcentral.com
2) Login in to the review account using the below credentials:
a. Username: elmbrookreview@elmbrookschools.org
b. Password: review2023
4) Click on the any book cover you want to review
5) Click on Learning Tools to view activities, assessment, resources and the Text

7. SPANISH 1-4:  Encuentros I, II, III by VISTA Learning

1) Access the Supersite by going to http://vhlcentral.com
2) Login in to the review account using the below credentials:
a. Username: elmbrookreview@elmbrookschools.org
b. Password: review2023
4) Click on the any book cover you want to review
5) Click on Learning Tools to view activities, assessment, resources and the Text

*Disclaimer:  This form and its submissions are a transmission from the School District of Elmbrook and may constitute a public record under Wisconsin Law and be subject to public disclosure.