Meeting Date: Thursday, April 18, 2024
Meeting Time: 6:30 p.m.
Meeting Location: Dixon Library
Attendees: Luke Sadowski, Brian Kawa, Carey Drees, Katie Whitecotton, Kelly Villalobos, Katrina Hergott, Julie Hargraves, Jen Koch, Liz Miller, Joe Hasek, Emily Schultz, Erica Wilkinson
1. Call to Order at 6:33pm by Carey Drees
2. Review and Approval of March 2024 Minutes Katrina Hergott
Motion to approve: Julie, 2nd by Liz
3. Principal Report Luke Sadowski
Carnival tomorrow! Much talk has been around safety threats especially with Brookfield Elementary’s 2 incidents in the last few weeks—concerns from many. Luke is up front, having ongoing conversation with staff and kids, not just a one time talk about what to do in situations like this. Nationwide talks are happening about how/when to evacuate. We have options of where to go at Dixon, but those are not necessarily made public knowledge so not everyone knows where to find kids if it happens. Luke has contact with neighboring facilities if need be. If there are questions, please reach out.
Forward testing is done—this dictates how the whole school is doing, MAP testing is coming—this allows the ability to adjust for the future.
The rest of the school year is busy. Spring concert May 2nd, May 3rd HID. Tot lot in will start in May but doesn’t impact 5th grade graduation.
Appreciate PTO’s responsiveness jumping in this year, lots of loss this year.
4. Treasurer Report Brian Kawa
P&L can be found online.
March: $6470—driven by Empty Bowls deposit. Income: total: $537.05
Expenses: $-6000 because of upcoming HID, science fair, staff recognition, sunshine.
Lots of activity in April. Dining out rewards, carnival, raffle, gift cards, spiritwear.
Expenses: nutcracker check cut but not cashed, DIG has not used money, 5th grade special event, HID, One book one community, playground equipment for Mr. Johnson, staff recognition.
End of year projection is just under $5000.
Touch base with Casey as head of room parents to please check in with Julie about list of gift cards.
New Business
Garden: Vicky Shokatz—garden committee meeting Monday. Talking with a mom who is a master gardener, seeing what plants are coming up outside. Will determine what we put in there for spring and summer. Boy scouts cleaning out the garden Tuesday during their meeting time.
Arbor day—5th grade will be helping plant a tree on the grounds next Friday the 26th.
5. Dining Out Rewards Jen Koch
Earned $610 from Fujiyama this month. Having the dine out with them on a weekend worked well. She gives 10% of whole day sales instead of having to say we are from Dixon. Dine out in May but unsure where yet.
Box Tops: small winner this month—Jen Koch-won $10 for the PTO; big winner last month won $1000 for the PTO
6. School Pak Jen Koch
Teachers are changing lists, going with new company, EPI, which has better pricing.
6. Carnival Jen Koch (update for Jeni Bartowitz)
415 total orders, 1319 wristbands, 564 adults, 636 kids, 50 short of the whole school. 5222 raffle tickets sold, 23 Dixon staff coming, calm carnival with 10 kids attending. Need henna artists, dessert dance desserts needed. It will be Marian & Jon’s birthdays.
Succession planning fell through for some committees—hoping to send a google form trying to find help for next year. Will post on fb page, room parents, etc.
7. Raffle Katrina Hergott
We’ll have lots of items. Silent auction is up to 143 items; raffle is at 134 items. If an item is not bid on for silent auction, may put it out there that people can still bid on for the starting price, keep for next year, or graciously give back to the donor. We’ll have to discuss this if it happens.
8. High Interest Day Sara Monty
It’s fine. I’m fine. Everything’s fine.—Will happen on May 3rd Will need many volunteers as always.
9. Dixon Dragon Day Christy Welch
Also, It’ll be fine. Things are getting ordered. Need lots of volunteers and will ask after HID—Happens May 31.
10. Elmbrook District Update (EEF/Parent Network) Carey Drees
Next Wednesday from 6-7pm there is a free webinar called Tech Talk—talks about setting screen limits—put on by national organization. Just register on Eventbrite. Carey will send out info how to sign up after the carnival.
EEF events coming up:
Brewers game April 28th where Dr. Hansen & Principal Farley throw out the 1st pitch—250 district attendees coming. No more seats in the pre-designated spots but plenty of tickets available for the game. Come join us for the tailgate prior!
Golf outing June 11th—supports robotics at East—close to goal. Can add more foursomes.
Scholarship for graduation senior--$1500 from EEF/Dixon. Committee board decides recipients. For Dixon Alum from Central or East. In good standing academically, community service—will be handed out end of May.
There were 4 tables of Dixon families at the Wirth Park fundraiser. Dixon shows up.
DI—went to state and got 2nd in their category for elementary school—qualifies for globals but aren’t going as not enough can go. Hope to keep growing program and 5 teams next year.
11. Board Vacancy Sara Monty/Carey Drees
a. Executive Vice President—shadow sara and carey next year so they can take over after that.
b. Secretary—very easy job, take notes at the meetings and type them up to be submitted.
c. Treasurer—Julie Hargraves is interested
12. Motion to Adjourn by Katie, Jacqueline 2nds Adjourned at 7:11pm.
PTO Meetings @6:30pm
Sept 22 Feb 15
Oct 19 March 20 (Wednesday)
Nov 16 April 18
Dec - NO MEETING May 16
Jan 18