Second Meeting of the Technology Advisory Group
December 3, 2019
Resources Provided in Advance of the Meeting
Elementary, Middle, and High School Family Technology Survey Results
6:00 - 6:05pm - Welcome Back (Chris)
6:05 - 7:00pm - Members will work through an exercise to identify key themes from each of the surveys (Mike & Chris)
7:00 - 7:30pm - Members will identify suggested next step actions in response to each of the themes. These will result in action plans that will be presented to the Teaching and Learning Committee in January.
7:25 - 7:30pm - Forecast the work of the next meeting (January 21, 6pm).
Group Norms
Promote equality of voice.
Listen actively and respectfully, seeking to understand and avoiding interruption.
Commit to learning, not debating. Comment to share information, not to persuade.
Our discussion is around ideas, not individuals.
Be solution-focused; avoid blame and speculation.
Honor our team outside of our meetings.
Support Materials
Each member of the Committee was provided the survey results on Friday, November 19. These results will be made public in their entirety when the information is presented along with an action plan to the Teaching and Learning Committee on January 6, at 2pm.