Field trips started already this week. Second grade headed to the district's Nature Center located at Brookfield East. They studied polinators and found some butterflies. All Swanson students get to visit the Nature Center twice a year.
Today we welcomed back 64 teachers, 59 staff and over 775 new and returning Eagles! Welcome Back! We missed you!
Swanson fourth grader, Alina Guzman doesn’t live on a farm, but for the past three years she has been partnering with Cozy Nook Farm to show dairy calves at the Waukesha County Fair. She earned a Judge’s Favorite Award which qualified her to compete and show at the Wisconsin State Fair. Click for full story!
This summer we tore out the old paneled walls and glass cabinets in the lobby. Here are some photos from Demo Day! We are excited to show off our new lobby at Strong Start on 8/29 & 8/30!
Congratulations and Good Luck at WHMS!
For many BC students in the class of 2024, their Elmbrook journey began at Swanson Elementary. Today, Swanson welcomed those students to walk the halls one last time. Swanson students and staff cheered and congratulated the graduates who wore their caps & gowns! Congratulations to the Class of 2024!
The 2nd graders enjoyed the annual Egg Drop STEM Challenge on Tuesday, June 4th! Teams worked within the Engineering Design Process framework to create a unit that would protect the egg from a drop off of the Swanson roof! It was an egg-cellent adventure for our 2nd grade STEM-gineers!
Seven students represented Swanson at the National History, Geography and Science Bees. It was a wonderful experience for the kids to be at Orlando and compete with kids from all around the world!
Fifth Grade Class of 2024 gifted Swanson a re-painting of the US Map on the upper playground. Painting was done by 5th grader, Everett Klockner and his family.