Academic and Career Planning
The School District of Elmbrook values the development of students in academic and personal pursuits. One of the ways we support this growth is through Academic and Career Planning (ACP). The goal of ACP is to equip students with knowledge and experiences to help them identify their strengths and passions in order to make decisions for their future. Elmbrook School District implements Academic and Career Planning for students through:
- Valuable experiences for exploration, development, and engagement in career options.
- Access to rigorous and relevant high school and college coursework to prepare students for college, vocational training, military, or employment.
Students have opportunities to engage in academic and career planning while in middle school and high school. These experiences include, but are not limited to:
- Student development on an Academic and Career Plan. Lessons and experiences are created to support the development and evolution of a plan over time.
- Students will have the opportunity to attend career-focused field trips
- Students will have the opportunity to listen to career speakers within the school and classroom
- Students will gain valuable experiences through coursework with the classroom
How do students engage in the ACP Process?
Middle Schools
High Schools
- Student Academic and Career Planning conferences with counselors for each grade level and family evening events for Academic and Career Planning
- Students use of the ACP software tool (Xello)
- Annual course fair
- College and Career exploration activities in the classroom
- Annual career fair
- Annual student review of an Academic and Career Plan
- Post-secondary exploration and planning and events for students and families
For additional information related to academic and career planning, please visit each high school's Student Services Academic Planning webpage:
Brookfield Central High School Student Services
Brookfield East High School Student Services
Xello is an engaging online program that helps students build the skills, knowledge, and plans to be future-ready. Students can use the many tools available in Xello. Families can contact their student services office to receive an electronic invite to create a Xello account linked to their student. HERE is a guide reviewing the details of a parent account. See your building ACP coordinator for more information. Students may have engaged in several of the Xello activities already, some might be coming in future lessons, while other activities students will not be assigned at school. Observing your student’s work in Xello will create great conversation starters between you and your child!
Students can log in to Xello through their Google Accounts.
Education for Employment
Academic and Career Planning (ACP) is a part of Wisconsin’s Education for Employment (E4E) program outlined in s. 121.02(1)(m) Wis. Stats., and is sometimes referred to as (administrative rule) PI26. A full copy of the Education for Employment report can be found HERE and is reported annually to the BOE.