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Business Engagement Opportunities

To successfully prepare college and career-ready students, we fully recognize the importance of leveraging the “It takes a village” approach! The School District of Elmbrook depends on robust partnerships and the generous support of parents/guardians, business/industry professionals, and educational and civic organizations to help provide real, rigorous, and relevant learning experiences for our students.
Please review the opportunities below.
To engage in an opportunity with Elmbrook Schools, please complete this FORM.
Questions? Contact Nicole Cadkin.

Looking for a regional connection? 
Employers can connect with INSPIRE Wisconsin. The Milwaukee 7 and CESA #1 have partnered to provide a platform for employers to connect with schools in Kenosha, Milwaukee, Ozaukee, Racine, Walworth, Washington, and Waukesha Counties. More information can be found HERE. Interested companies can complete this FORM. Questions? Contact the CESA coordinator at

Student Internship/Employment

Career Based Learning logo

The experiences extend beyond the exploration phase of career planning and into work experience. Modeling of job functions and providing opportunities for students to engage in the work is expected. The students will develop a deeper level of understanding of the inner workings of the industry and the complexity of the career field by collaborating with others. Internships are typically paid. Students should receive feedback from the employer about their job performance as an opportunity to further understand and engage in the work. Students have the opportunity to earn course credit for this experience and are released from the last block of the day.

State of WI Co-op Program opportunities can be offered to students annually.  Students work the duration of the school year in these experiences.  More information can be found on the DPI website.  These experiences are provided in specific areas of study and require about 12 hours per week.  Areas of employment include:

  • Business and Information Technology
  • Family and Community Service
  • Finance
  • Food Science
  • Marketing

Additional certificate programs are available in Employability Skills and Youth Leadership.

Youth Apprenticeship is a program through DWD that provides students with an opportunity to work in high-demand career fields while earning credit in high school.  Students complete 450 hours of work through the school year while taking relevant courses in high school.  Students are released from school to work.  Students are often hired into Apprenticeships after graduation.  More information can be found on the DWD website.

Career fields include:

  • Architecture and Construction
  • Arts, A/V Technology & Communications
  • Finance
  • Health Sciences
  • Hospitality & Tourism
  • Information Technology
  • Manufacturing
  • Marketing
  • Transportation, Distribution and Logistics

Part-time and Summer Job Opportunities for employers who want jobs posted for students to work outside of school hours are welcome to complete this FORM.  If you want a flyer posted in school, please contact the student services department.  Please understand that we do not post positions that require students to be independent contractors (i.e. babysitting, grass cutting, snow shoveling, etc.). Employers are often seeking to connect with high school graduates once they have graduated for particular roles.  Please complete your request early (February/March) so students can see the information prior to graduation.


Student Project Challenges - LAUNCH


Looking for a NEW way to engage in schools?

LAUNCH represents the collaboration of education, business, and community, providing students with a unique, immersive experience, resulting in highly-skilled, adaptable, global innovators and leaders. LAUNCH connects professionals with highly motivated students and receives real challenges from business and industry partners in a project-based environment. Students gain support from experts, mentors, teachers, and people working in relevant fields. Please visit our website for more information about our LAUNCH Program by clicking here.

Connect with Dr. Robert Hall on how to get your company involved at

Student Career Exploration Experiences

Student Mentorship/Job Shadow

A career exploration opportunity for students that occurs through planned on-the-job visitations in a student-selected career field. Students will be matched on an individual basis with an adult mentor working in a specific career area. This workplace learning experience can occur in one or multiple workplace settings during and/or outside of the school day. Examples may include giving a student(s) a tour, short meet and greets with various employees to get an overview of their work/responsibilities in various departments, allowing students to conduct informational interviews, small projects in the office, etc. Experiences may last for as little as an hour to 40 hours for an experience. Students can earn .5 credits for a 40-hour experience. Program expectations are linked HERE

Guest Instructors/Speakers

Business partners come into classrooms to teach students about a particular topic, participate in panel discussions, provide feedback to students on projects, etc. The business partner guest could instruct for one block/period, a day, or multiple days. It may also be possible for classes to go to the business partner’s workplace to receive the instruction.

Professional Development for Educators

In order to deliver an agile, timely, and relevant curriculum, teachers need to continue to grow and acquire new content knowledge and skills. Business partners can play a key role in helping teachers acquire knowledge and skills that can be used to deliver the curriculum to students. Businesses may provide opportunities for educators to visit to learn more about careers and potential careers for their students and bring lessons from business and industry to the classroom.

Equipment and Supplies

In an effort to deliver the most relevant and timely curriculum, there may be opportunities for business partners to donate value-added equipment and supplies. It may also be possible for classes to go to business partners’ workplaces to use industry tools, equipment, and supplies.

Monetary Investment

Business partners have the opportunity to fund a variety of opportunities that would enhance the learning experience of Elmbrook students as well as help our work-based learning program grow and expand to meet more diverse needs.

Scholarship Support for Students

This option is for businesses/companies interested in supporting enrichment opportunities for students within a specific career cluster and/or providing scholarships for students pursuing post-secondary education through a technical school, college, or university.


Please reach out to Amie Farley, Director of College, Career, and Life Experiences 262.781.3030, ext. 11111