Human Growth & Development
The School District of Elmbrook recognizes the primary role that the family plays in developing values, attitudes, and behavior. The District believes that a sound K-12 program of instruction in human growth and development will enhance the efforts of the family and facilitate the development of positive student self-esteem, a sense of personal responsibility, and the ability of students to make rational and intelligent decisions. The District further believes that the information provided and the knowledge and skills acquired in this program will enable students to make decisions regarding their own attitudes and behavior that enhance the well-being of the individual, the family, and society.
Parent Examination of Complete Curriculum & Materials
Parents are strongly encouraged to access the outcomes, lessons and materials links provided in this notice. Each school library can help families access the curriculum outcomes and instructional materials for grades K-12. The related media is also available to be previewed at each school library, and the District Office.
Procedure for Exempting Students
Parents are urged to examine the curriculum before considering an exemption request for their children. Exemption requests must be in writing. A special form is available from the school principal for this purpose or, at the following link