Picking up your student early?
Your student needs to bring a written note signed by a parent or guardian to the attendance secretary PRIOR to the start of the school day to obtain an early dismissal pass. The note should state the reason for early dismissal, student’s grade level, and the time the student is to leave. If you forgot to send a note, you will need to stop in the school office to sign your student out.
Reporting Absences:
Please call the WHMS Attendance Line at 262-780-8083 or email WHMS Attendance at by 8 am the day of the absence.
When reporting your child’s absence from school please provide the following information:
1. Student First and Last Name
2. Grade
3. Reason for the absence. If they are missing school because of illness, it will be important to let us know in your message your child’s symptoms and any physician confirmed diagnosis, such as Strep, Sinus Infection, Ear Infections, COVID -19 etc.
Late Arrivals:
Please call the WHMS Attendance Line at 262-780-8083.
When reporting your child’s late arrival to school please provide the following information:
1. Student First and Last Name
2. Grade
3. Reason for the late arrival
Students arriving at school late must check in the Main Office to obtain a pass to class. If your student is coming late due to a medical or dental appointment, please ask the medical office for a school excuse and have your student bring that to the school office when checking in.
Absences Due to Vacation:
Parents are expected to plan vacations outside of the school year. Parents of students who will be vacationing during the school year should complete a Trip Request Form (page 3 of attached document on page) for vacations of 3 or more consecutive days. This form should be completed at least two weeks prior to the first day of the vacation. Absences due to vacations are counted as part of the ten (10) excused school days; they are not exempt.